
Sunday, 14 July 2019

Reading work

Hey readers sorry I have not blog but I have been on holiday and it is the school holidays so that is why I have not blog for ages. Today I have some reading work I am going to be sharing with you so that is why I am blogging I felt like I had to so yeah. This reading work is not only being put up on my blog but it has been put up on LINK - ED. So I felt like this reading work is loling so I have to do somthing with it so that is why I am blogging today. I will not be putting in a link to it I am going to be putting it on so you do not have to push the link.

Here it is hope you like it.

It might be a bit big but it is ok so this is it. It is not finished but it is lonly so I throught why not put it in my blog postś.

Hope you like it.



  1. Sorry it is big

  2. Hi Mykiala,

    Thanks for sharing your work with us during your holiday. I like that you wanted to do this. It is quite big. I think there is a way of fixing that, in the settings maybe. Perhaps someone can teach you when we get back to school.

    If you are wanting to get some extra work in and earn a reward then don't forget about the Winter Learning Journey. 5 posts will get you a reward! The link is on our class blog at the top of the page on the left side.

    :0) Mrs Spragg

  3. Hi Mrs Spragg,

    Thank you for commenting on my blog.
    I look on the left of the class blog and I could not see it.
    I was on holiday for 1 week so I did not have any internet at the hotel I was staying at so I could not read this or do a blog sorry.
    I will ask someone at school if they know how to make it small because I think in one of my blogs with a slide in it was small but I do not know?

    Thank you for commenting on my blog.


To support my learning I ask you to comment as follows:
1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say
3. Something thoughtful - how have you connected with my learning? Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.

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